This cooking process could cut the calories in rice by “about 50 to 6o%,” study author Sudhair A. James says. This method works by changing the rice’s digestible starch to indigestible starch. One cup of medium grain white rice has roughly 246 calories; this new cooking method will cut that number to as little as 147 calories per cup.
Bring the water to a rolling boil
Add the coconut oil to the boiling water.
Stir in the rice, lower heat, and cover with lid.
Simmer for 20 to 30 minutes, or until rice is fully cooked.
Place the cooked rice in a heat resistant container add in salt and fluff with a fork.
Put the rice in the fridge for 12 hours, and that’s it! Now you have rice with 10 times the resistant starch and up to 6o% fewer calories than normal!